
Showing posts from March, 2021

Auroville – The future of world in India

Auroville – The future of world in India Before visiting Auroville I did some deep dive research and realised that there isn’t much information available. Hence it wasn’t that easy for me to collect information on Auroville prior to my visit. Post visiting Auroville I realised that it’s really difficult to express Auroville in couple of words. I eventually had a tough time collecting information and craft my experience in the form of words. Before proceeding further I would like to share glimpse about the history of Auroville for your better understanding. A lady called Mirra Alfassa had a dream that there should be a place on earth where people from all caste, any country could live freely without any discrimination, where every human being should be treated equally. Hence her dream gave birth to this experimental town called “Auroville” in February 1968 and Mirra Alfassa later on known to her followers as “The Mother”. As of today people from over 55 nations live here togethe

Puducherry- French town located in Indian Mainland

Puducherry , formerly known as Pondicherry. The only French town located in the Indian mainland. I am not trying to exaggerate here though this place is like a dream come true for those who wish to explore Europe but couldn’t afford to visit. It’s quite unusual to see French captions at Cafes, Street signs and people greeting in French- Bonjour! Before proceeding further I would like you to understand the history of Pondicherry. The territory of Pondicherry got independence from the French government in 1954 and merged with the Indian mainland in 1962. While merging, the territory was given an opportunity to decide if they wish to merge with Tamil Nadu state of India or to stay separate as a Union Territory and they decided to stay separate. Since Puducherry is geographically surrounded by Tamil Nadu hence territory comprises of Tamil and French culture till date.                              Pic Credit Puducherry is crafted as a French town varying from architect